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Sunday, October 17, 2010

I Love You My Dear Friends

Friends are like tattoos in your body. It may seem that it's not there, but it's always there.
You cannot change the fact that friends are the reason why you can wake up in the morning and end the day with a smile on your face. They are the reason why we can have a good year in school no matter how much you don't like the teacher or adviser.

Friends are also like food and water, different in taste yet it's unique. We cannot live without friends. We'll go crazy without them. They're the reason why we're still sane. A fight with a friend  does not mean that it's the end of the friendship you shared, it can be a beginning, a beginning with an outstanding bond. There may be a day that you're not that close with some of your friends but it does not mean that they are not there for you. They're are always there for you no matter how big your problem is. Those kind of friends are TRUE FRIENDS not FAKE FRIENDS.

We can always encounter people who befriends you because they need something from you and yet when you need them, they make excuses. Those kind of people are like gums. They stick when they're given the chance yet they wont taste good when they're done using us. To hell with those kind of people. They make our world dirty.

NEVER lie to a friend for it is a great sin. LYING may seem a small sin yet it is BIG. Be honest and never let go of your true friends. It's a waste if we let go of them. Tell them how much you love them for it gives you and your friends a greater bond

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