Welcome to Stone Heart

It is where I write what I want to write

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Wanna Escape

The thing is, I wanna escape every problem I am facing right now. It's horrible. I can't solve the other since I can't solve my biggest problem about my friend. You see, this friend of mine is like a sister to me. I treated her nicer than I treat my real sister. Guess what. My biggest problem is her. We had this...fight. At first I didn't really noticed that we were fighting after all I was only annoyed with her at the beginning since she keeps on saying DUMB! YOUR DUMB! DUMB DUMB DUMB! yada yada yada and so on. I didn't really know that she was referring to my mistake last last Monday. I didn't mean it. I swear. It's just that they were so freaking noisy and they won't obey what I said. I didn't know she got hit 'bout what I said. I said dumb ass. And I wasn't really naming. She only got hit 'bout it cause it was her row that was the noisiest. After that, she keeps on saying dumb. I'm a girl full of pride. And I couldn't really just say sorry to a person who I didn't really had a fault with. So my other friends said I should say sorry. It took me a while to do that. I said sorry. And guess what. Not a word did she say. Arghh... I prayed that I would get sick so that I won't be able to go to school and it did happened. I had a fever. Days pass and I'm still wishing I'd get sick. I don't wanna face her. I might say something she won't like and the problem would worsen. Gosh... I don't wanna face my problems anymore. I don't even try to talk to her. I pray every night that after I wake up, Everything would be the it used to be. Hanging out with them, talking happily with them. But guess what. It never did happen. Good thing I still have my other friends. At least I can tell them some of my problems...But I wish everything would be alright already....

1 comment:

  1. chloe, you know, you really shouldn't give up. maybe it's okay to get discouraged but just don't give up easily. life is too worth it to give up. anyway, she's just one person. you can't give up your happiness just because of one person. and, she'll come around. if she doesn't no matter what, well, maybe, she's not worth it.. XD
